National Pork Board
The National Pork Board (NPB) administers the Pork Checkoff – created by The Pork Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act of 1985. NPB volunteer leaders and professional staff invest in programs and activities that promote, research and educate – producers and consumers. In addition, NPB works with state organizations and affiliates to support pig farmers and pork producers.
In April 2019, NPB engaged J.J. Jones to empower leaders of state pork organizations to be creative in stakeholder engagement and pork promotions while utilizing their strengths, assets, and resources as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Our team assembled a panel from allied industry and from outside of the food system to allow pork industry leaders to learn from others. We then took a deeper dive into how these newfound learnings could support state pork associations and provide opportunities for collaboration at both the national and state level. Leaders left the training with knowledge, initial plans of action and accountability partners so they could optimally set themselves up for success.
Cultivated Conversations’, J.J. Jones planned and facilitated the meeting. In their follow-up evaluation, NPB shared, “J.J. did a great job at understanding our needs of the session, bringing in the right people for the panel and delivered in a very professional manner. Several comments from our state pork partners following the session as to how they could see the same session facilitated with their boards, committees, task forces, etc.”
J.J. continues to work with the National Pork board by empowering their We Care program as NPB reaches out to its producer investors and as NPB begins a strategic communications plan where they will affect food system conversations at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas.